Arrow function ( js )

Barry YU
1 min readMar 30, 2020


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

When you touch Javascript you need understand what is _ [ Arrow function ] .

let you written and learing Code of Difficult will be reduce a lot on Framwork

let your all program look like simply .

e.g : Use arrow function const yes = ( )=>{ console.log ( b ) }() => b ;or 
function barry ( x ) { return x +1 } //function

const barry = (x ) => { return x +1 } //arrow function

both same !!


Two paramas in set , need use “ ( ) “

For example . before Node.js seting express function :

const server = http.createserver ( ( req , res ) => {
statuscode = 200
res.setHeader(‘ content-Type ‘,‘text/html ‘ ) //設定回應內容的類型res.end ( ` create your node server ` ) //設定回應的內容})
( req , res ) => { } // 設定好的兩個參數 req 和 res 在函數內可以使用()=> 匿名函數 Anonymous. const barry = () => 非匿名函數 no anonymouse

simply example :

const add  =  ( a , b ) =>{ a + b ; console.log. (  add ( 5 , 3 ) } > 8 



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