在這個單元,我們就要來學習如何用樣板引擎所提供的「迴圈」功能,讓我們快速產生多筆相同結構但不同內容的 HTML
Hey ~~ so complicate ~~~~~~~I hate cycle la .
…………………………………………….….. (╥﹏╥)
Step 1 . Set Variables on app.js
設定變數及編輯將要回圈的數字 [ 1–8 ]
open your “ app. js “ written code ….
//past the number of app.js for index.handlebars partial template //const = numberList = [ 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5,6,7,8] //<===written here <-----------res. render ------------------------------->//add Object paramas on res.render {} , let tell Handlebars what you wann to do //
res.render ( ' index ', { numbers : numbersList } )
Step2 : Set cycle / 設定迴圈 :
May be you have asking Why Html could be set Cycle ??
It’s pre-processing through Handlebars , and than become Html .
{{#each}} …….{{/each }}
That is will be iterate over a inside block
inside contetn could be reference app.js of Variables
Set cycle on index.handlebars. {{ #each }} …{{/each}}
e.g : {{#each numbers }} <p> ....insideblock .......</P> {{/each}}inside block = <P> {{this}} </P> still iterate ....
insideblock ➡ {{this}}
{{ this }} will be reference app.js of Variables …
Reference app.js variables :
Reference app.js varibles as like below ----> const Barry = [ bala , barry , Rober is gonds]
{{this }} print to Html :
<p> bala ba la </P>
<p> barry is handsame </P>
<p> Rober is gones </P>
What about {{This }} on cycle ?
Cycle finily to finshed …..It’s Savage ! du
Step 3 : Set Handlebars of Bootstrap
Bootstrap 應用 :
如 native css (原始CSS),要使用 flexbox, 要在 container 上宣告 class=”d-flex” 或是 class=”d-inline-flex”.
<div class = "d-flex ....... "
e.g : <div class="d-inline-flex justify-content-center">........</div>1. 看清楚要先宣告 d-flex 2. 決定d-flex 的 container inline (符合貼齊邊線) 於是 d-inline-flex2. 後面可以直接 justify-content-center , 中間皆不需要任何分隔號.
align-items-XXXX / 上下(y軸) row —
對齊Flex item
参数有: start
、 center
、 stretch
<div class="d-flex align-items-start">...</div>
<div class="d-flex align-items-end">...</div>
<div class="d-flex align-items-center">...</div>
<div class="d-flex align-items-baseline">...</div>
<div class="d-flex align-items-stretch">...</div>
justify-content-XXXX. //(x軸) col —
bg-XXXX / 背景顏色
bg is mean Background Colors , refrence .. that「 colors name 」 is awesome and stupid .
Text-XXX / 字行顏色
About Space / 空間間距
Native CSS → box model
don’t ask me , waht is CSS of Box model . — ( •́_ゝ•̀ ) 🐢
e.g : my- 1 , my-2 , my-3 , my -4 , my -5