recomman : downloa 4.0.X
Create DataBase
install to your Root Folder .
/user / [ your user name ] /
in Terminal >> $ cd~alos chenk you place now >> $ pwd
Step1. When install =>Modify your server name =>Give name : mongodb
step2. Check your folder bin / this folder : $~/mongodb/bin/
step3. Creat folder , give name : mongodb-database __⚠️with mongodb folder same layer. ==> this is really Datebase
step4. Tell your mongoDB server , where is your [ DB folder ]
.1 / Open your terminal =>
$ ~/mongodb/bin $ ./mongod --dbpath /Users/yutungcheng/mongodb-database
⚠️ Your target must full path
Step5 . Start MongoDB server :
~/mongodb/bin $ ./mongo
connect DataBase and create Model
How to Manage your project _To Do List with MongoDB
Adding ..ZZZ
mange MongoDB Terminal TOP 10 :
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