我想很多人,有這種麻煩經驗 (當我發現互聯網別人解決方法很多, 我仍然故障10小時一直做排除
找到故障排除的方法時從網路上是不錯的方法, 但重試 太多次, 如果你的結果,像我一樣.
I think lot People , have this Trouble of Experience .
( When I found out Internet others people solution way alot ,
I still troubleshooting 10 hours …
Find Answer from Internet , most is good troubleshooting ,
But Follow and also try again agin !
If your result , as Likes me => No open websit
Error 503 :
- Failed to load resource : the server responded with a status of 503 (service unavailable)
- /favicon.ico
Congregations !
This Way maybe Heple you . < mean your server NO enable__!! >
Step 1. Check your Package.json :
you have see have two Server use node from script .
“ scripts ” : {
“start”: node server.js ,
“server” : nodemon index.js ,
Just let know , Basic Node.server Operation .
Step 2. CHECK Enable Node server :
mean your Node.js have Crash. !!!!
70% have solution form here ,
step 3. CHeck your Git Push ..
Your push have some File of Size excess to 100 MB .
npm uninstall puppeteer // follow log , puppeteer is example
Step 4 : CHECK every Setp_have Build Again
ensure your ‘ ‘…./build/index.html ‘ ‘is NEWest .
/client $ : npm run build // Sugguest Often to CLI this .
Cause sometime , you commit lot conten in project . So If no re Build index.html , have mistake .
STEP 5. check your Network stauts
Most people have …Error 503 ..always think about troubleshooting form
package.json or html href= or rel .. github ..or Port Collided …
Error 503 :
- Failed to load resource : the server responded with a status of 503 (service unavailable)
- /favicon.ico
Often overlooked in the simplest of things.
只要將Node.js Server 想盡辦法啟動成功! OK ! 沒有很複雜.
當我發現node有問題時, 下面的process 有將近˙5–10個nodes在run …..
從這邊不段的 klll procee of Node , and than found out mistake from server.js setting .
Cause Server.js , code is about Node server .