Before list code :
last unit we have learing how to use { #each } iterate read ,
Exactly , you just written one Html of format enought.
But When set array and element on app.js ( for Handlebars read )
same need set element a lot …
SSO ……Savage ….. !!
Example…there have id : 1–100 maybe…not easy to manage .
as like below sample ,,, when program code can become very vary large,
Also it’s hard to find the route, page and data , when you need to modify it.
In result, most of this data is going to be somewhere else, may be a database, or server or from other resource , private cloud , such as third-party APIs.
In summary, it is Data rarely placed (set code ) directly in the app.js that manages routing.
Form NOW :
Three Step
- 下載電影清單
- 將 JSON 檔案載入 Express 中
- 將外部資料帶入樣板引擎
1.Download Sefmple of JSON file :
Download to you Project folder :
Give name : pictures.json
when you open it .. like this ..
in fact you order peper : (mas os ). alt + Shift + F
2. 將 JSON 檔案載入 Express 中
先前把外部套件載入的方法一樣,只需要透過 require()
就可以把這支檔案載入 Express。
before :
`app.get ( ‘ / ' , (req ,res) => {
const barry = [ id : XXX , image:xxx , title :XXX]re.render ( ‘ index ‘ , { pictures :barry }) }
But Now :
Almost program is give you File to Route . kind of Server , Datebase , private cloud . three party API … something like this . so you have use reuqite to pointing your resources .
- Read Josn file . so we need poting it through Variable
const barry .
- Use require set path indicates (指示)that the archive of the location path to be loaded .
const barry = require ( ‘ . / pictures.josn ‘ ) re. render ( ‘ index ‘ , { pictures : barry } )
3. Bring external data into the Handlebars of engine
just download of file .json , when you open it , have see lot array of object wrapped in the results property , So we need pointing results
show pictures for you :
results is prepared in “pictures.json “ file . Now pointing it !!
Example :
re.render ( ‘ index ‘ , { pictures : barry .result } )
require( )
: 中文:
- 如果放入的是套件名稱,則 Node.js 會去 node_modules 資料中,找看看是否載得到這個套件
- 但是當
內寫的是路徑時,則 Node.js 會根據你所提供的路徑去找到並載入該檔案。
所以我們只需要在 app.js
的最上面透過 require('./pictures.json')
去載入 Pictures . json 這支檔案就可以了:
<< data : copy form ALPHA CAMP >>
// app.js
// ...
// routes setting
app.get('/', (req, res) => { // past the movie data into 'index' partial template
res.render('index', { movies: barry.results })
// ...
現在,所有的資料都可以帶到 ./views/index.handlebars
- 我們在電影的路徑上加上
。 is path name . - 先前我們所定義的
這個變數是直接給網址,而在這份 JSON 中image
<!-- ./views/index.handlebars -->
<div class="container mt-5">
<!-- search-bar -->
<!-- ... --> <div class="row" id="data-panel">
{{#each movies}}
<div class="col-sm-3">
<a href="/movies/{{}}" class="text-secondary">
<div class="card mb-2">
<img class="card-img-top" src="{{this.image}}" alt="Card image cap">
<div class="card-body movie-item-body">
<h6 class="card-title">{{this.title}}</h6>