Show Dynamic Set ☺️ Handlebars la

when you wanna manage most pictures in one project , this file How to easy manage.…ues Handlebars …

Barry YU
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

Set Dynamic with your project file .js.

open handlebars file “ index.handlebars “, when you wanna manage most pictures in one project , this file ……

you’ll see a lot of the same format Html ,

But just only three place differernt 👧

Open your “ index. handlebars “ form Vscode .

( See what three different object )

1 . href ( network path ) / or ID :

e.g ( href : http:// ..... or localhost:3000/barry/ ...)

2. img :

e.g ( src = 'http:// ...........javasix . img ) 

3. title :

e.g ( <h1 class = "barry-pictures > What name ? < /h1> 

Let GO ! 👺

1. Set Handlebars of image , pictures link , title , pictures of href

Handlebars 格式看起來像是Html , 實際上並不是最後出去HTML. 所以在當Server 收到請求時會渲染Handlebars 的index.handlebars檔案, 在經過處理完後才會傳送到browser .

//<---Give Object name on “ index.handlebars “--->//1.  href=”/2" ... 
-----------> href ="/{{}}" ...
2. < src= "http://.... jpg" >
-----------> < src= "{ { pictures.img } }"
3. <h6 ..> hello </h6>
-----------> <h6 > pictures.title </h6>

Already denfine Neam of Object : pictures .XXX

2. Set object on app.js :

Open your app.js from VScode have see js : render ( ‘index ‘ )
and than add new object : pictures on render of paramas
Is mean app.js through [ Route ] to send data for handlebars and render

render (‘ index ‘)  
===========> render ( ‘index , {pictures:barry })

Here set Object : Pictures in Render

It will give some data for handlebars throught Render of pictures

3. Set New viriable , for handlebars of what something is replace form app.js .

const barry = {
id : 1 , // path ID
title : " any thing what you want say ", // jsut title ...
img : "
http://........ .jpg " //from src

OKOK!! now finshed all object setting ,

Start Render ( `index`,{pictures: barry })



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